Tx Originators

What is a Transaction Originator?

Any entity broadcasting on-chain transactions qualifies as a "Transaction Originator", making it eligible for the "State Update Auction".

Transaction broadcasting occurs when an entity executes the RPC call eth_sendRawTransaction to a node for a specific transaction.

Get Started Integrating

Blink's integration is designed to be as simple as possible, it only requires switching over to Blink's RPC node endpoint.

This endpoint replicates the standard node endpoint provided by RPC services such as Alchemy or Quicknode, eliminating the need for additional changes.

For a quick setup of your individual account and dashboard, please contact us at contact@blinklabs.xyz.

Individual users can get started with Blink quickly by visiting https://blinklabs.xyz and clicking the "Get Protected" button.

See additional details on your specific integration below:

Last updated